On behalf of the Society of Women Innovators in Pain Management, we want to thank you for attending this the 2021 conference in Denver, CO.

We hope that you found the conference informative and innovative. The primary goal of this conference was to bring together female leaders in collaboration to further our mission of education, training, mentorship and support women to realize their personal and professional goals. We believe that our diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists provided in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools to help you achieve your goals. Your presence helped to make this event a great success and your enthusiasm and insight helped make our time together both productive and fun. We wish you all the best and hope that you continue to be engaged with WIPM.

CME: To obtain credit: https://evolvemeded.com/course/WIPM2021

The following discounts are available through the generosity of our sponsors:

We continue to thank our generous Exhibitors and Sponsors for their continued support.

We look forward to seeing you at our next conference. Date and location TBD. Please continue to check our website routinely for updates.


Proceeds from the purchase of WIPM surgical caps will go towards the Lisa Sterns Memorial Fund